Fatigue "safe-life" criterion for metal elements under multiaxial constant and periodic loads
Periodic stress with Cartesian components given in the form of Fourier series is considered. To account for the mean stress effect the generalised Soderberg criterion for ductile materials is employed. An equivalent stress with synchronous components is defined by means of the equivalence conditions based on the average strain energy of distortion. The fatigue "safe-life" design criterion is formulated which covers the conditions of both static strength and fatigue safety and includes material constants that have simple physical interpretation, can be determined by uniaxial tests, are related directly to the applied loads and can reflect material anisotropy.
design criteria, multiaxial loading, periodic stress, mean stress effectDetails
- Issue
- Vol. 11 No. 2(40) (2004)
- Section
- Latest Articles
- Published
- 01-10-2021
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