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Criteria for publication
Polish Maritime Research receives many more submissions than they can publish. Therefore, we ask the Reviewers to keep in mind that every manuscript that is accepted means that another good paper must be rejected. To be published in Polish Maritime Research, a paper should meet the following main criteria:
- report original scientific research (the key results and conclusions must not have been published or submitted elsewhere),
- are of importance to scientists in the field of scope of this journal,
- reach a conclusion of interest to a readership.
The main purpose of the review is to provide the Editors with the information needed to reach a decision, but the review should also instruct the Authors on how they can strengthen their manuscript to the point where it may be acceptable.
A negative review should clarify to the Authors the main weaknesses of their manuscript.
To facilitate the manuscript assessment, we ask Reviewers to complete a journal-specific Manuscript Review Form [Word]. We ask Reviewers to provide an assessment of the various aspects of a manuscript. The following questions must be answered to adequately evaluate the manuscript.
- Is the work comprehensible, correct, and suitable for PMR?
- What are the problems to solve in the work?
- Are they clearly specified?
- Is the purpose of the work within the journal’s scope?
- Is the work free of obvious errors?
- Are the methods and techniques employed appropriate?
- Is the work original and interesting?
- Is the work original and does it contain new results that significantly advance the research field?
- Have any parts of the paper already been published or considered for publication elsewhere ?
- Are the results interesting and important to researchers in relevant fields?
- Is this paper likely to be cited in the future?
- Is there any critical information missing?
- Is the presentation satisfactory?
- Is the paper well written enough for evaluation of technical content?
- Does the title reflect the contents of the paper?
- Does the abstract describe the essential information in the work?
- Does the introductory section adequately explain the framework and problems of the research?
- Are the importance and usefulness of this research work clear?
- Are sufficient references cited for providing a background to the research?
- Is the length and format of the paper appropriate?
- Is the conclusion logically supported by the obtained results?
- Are the figures and tables easily readable, correct and informative?
- Is the English understandable?
- Is the paper free of typographical and grammatical errors?
Moreover, Reviewers are asked to provide a concise summary of essential claims in the paper, including both positive and negative points. Therefore, they can complete the ‘Comments to Manuscript’ section of the Manuscript Review Form. If it is an excellent paper, the Reviewers are invited to explain what is so good about it. On the other hand, if the Reviewers recommend rejection of the paper, they must state the reason for rejection as clearly as possible. If the Reviewers recommend revision of the paper for possible publication, they must specify what is needed for sufficient improvement of the manuscript.
The completed Manuscript Review Form should be uploaded to the PMR online submission system and/or emailed to the PMR office: pmr@pg.edu.pl.