Journals - MOST Wiedzy


Open water manoeuvring model tests at the Joniny Test Station, Ship Hydromechanics Division, CTO S.A.


Although the role of computational methods (CFD) in prediction of the hydromechanic qualities of ships grows rapidly, the role of the physical experiment is still very important (if not principal). Concerning the experimental investigations focused on manoeuvring abilities of ships, there are two main approaches to be applied: open water model tests and captive model tests (Planar Motion Mechanism). The paper contains some basic information concerning the first of mentioned methods including the evolution of the measuring techniques, applied equipment and methodology. These changes result not only from technological progress, but also reflect different expectations of our Clients. In the case of mentioned open water manoeuvring model test, its specific character determines a little bit different approach, which combines some strictly scientific objectives, i.e. prediction of the manoeuvring abilities, with commercially attractive and direct demonstration of the results. Thus, in parallel with description of the measuring systems used during the tests (starting from mechanical/optical torograph system to modern laser tachimeter system), evolution of the visualization systems is also presented. In addition, some future trends in the development of the open water tests station in Joniny has been described including experimental work as well as basic/auxiliary equipment.


free sailing model tests, manoeuvring abilities of the ship, manoeuvring tests, model tests


Vol. 14 No. S2 (2007)
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  • Antoni Bednarek

    Ship Design and Research Centre
  • Radosław Głodowski

    Ship Design and Research Centre
  • Andrzej Ołtarzewski

    Ship Design and Research Centre

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