Journals - MOST Wiedzy


How to submit manuscript

How to submit a manuscript

Before uploading your manuscript to the PMR journal website, please read carefully:

The Polish Maritime Research journal currently incorporates ORCID ID into our manuscript submission systems. When creating your user account or submitting your manuscript, you will have the opportunity to include your ORCID ID number. To register a new ORCID ID number or link an existing one, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the editorial system.
  2. Select 'ORCID' from the menu.
  3. On the following page, input your 16-digit ORCID ID and password.
  4. Click the 'SIGN IN' button.

Once you have completed these steps, you will be directed to a page featuring the 'New submission' button. Clicking this button will initiate the manuscript submission process on the PMR journal website.

This procedure necessitates entering various pieces of information and uploading the relevant files into the appropriate fields, including:

  • Confirmation of compliance with the requirements outlined in the General Requirements of Instructions for Authors which is available at this link: To make the confirmation, please first ensure that you check all the relevant boxes using the checkbox symbol. Then, you must similarly indicate your role as the manuscript's author and provide consent for the storage of your data.
  • Uploading any necessary files (List of Contributors, Cover Letter, Manuscript Text, Figures, Tables, etc.) by clicking the "Add File" button. Typing or pasting the following elements:
    • Manuscript Title (obligatory) - major words are capitalized, and most minor words are lowercase;
    • Abstract (obligatory) - the text of the abstract should range from 150 – 250 words;
    • Keywords (obligatory) - please select 3 to 5 keywords (or phrases) that describe the paper's content – from general to particular.
  • Entering Co-authors (Contributors) of the manuscript in the following sequence (to add the next Author, please push the button ‘Add contributor’):
    • Name and Family name (obligatory)
    • Contact (obligatory) i.e. Email address (obligatory)
    • Country of Author (obligatory) - please choose your country from the drop-down box
    • Affiliation in a box ‘User details’ (obligatory) – please provide the name of:
      • university,
      • faculty or department, and
      • city of the author's affiliation. Affiliations must be written in Roman script to enable rapid, accurate indexing and easy comprehension by our global users.
    • Specify on the same page (obligatory):
      • Co-author role (Author or Translator)
      • Information regarding receiving messages from the Editor
      • Request for authenticating ORCID from Co-author

The order of the Authors can be arranged according to their significant scientific contribution to the work. If you wish to reorder the sequence of Authors in the manuscript, please follow these steps: Go to Publication → Contributors → List of Contributors, and then click the 'Order' button.

To move an Author to the desired position, select the row with their information, and then drag and drop that row to the appropriate position as per the desired sequence of Authors.

All stages of inputting the elements mentioned above must be confirmed by pressing the 'Save' button.