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Author guidelines
Submission of an article to TASK Quarterly is understood to imply that the article is original, unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. All the articles submitted for publication will be reviewed. There are no page charges. The articles should be written in English.
Title page: Title of the article should be concise yet informative.
Authors: If there are more authors, first their names should be given, followed by full postal addresses, footnote signs being used as necessary.
Abstract: The abstract should be informative, not only indicating the general scope of the article, but also stating the main results and conclusions. The abstract should not exceed 200 words.
Keywords: Each article must contain a maximum of 3 keywords.
References: References should be submitted in IEEE style or in a format suitable to be used with commonly used reference management software (eg. RIS files) or in the BibTex plain text file.
IEEE is a numbered referencing style commonly used in medicine and science, and consists of:
- Citations to someone else's work in the text, indicated by the use of a number
- A sequentially numbered reference list at the end of the document providing full details of the corresponding in-text references.
- References are listed in numerical order, and in the same order in which they are cited in text. The reference list appears at the end of the paper.
- Begin your reference list on a new page and title it 'References'.
- The reference list should include all and only those references you have cited in the text. (However, do not include unpublished items such as correspondence.)
- Use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).
Numbering references
Sources are numbered based on the order in which they are cited in the text: the first source you cite is 1, the second 2, and so on.
If the same source is cited again, use the same number to refer to it throughout your paper. This means that the numbers might not appear in consecutive order in your text:
Figures and figure captions: Illustrations should be suitable for direct reproductions. Figures should be submitted in the in the minimal resolution of 300dpi in jpg or png formats or submitted using vectors scalable graphics (tiff, eps, ps). The lettering, as well as the details, should have proportional dimensions to maintain their legibility after the usual reductions. Original lettering, after the appropriate reduction, should appear at the standard size of about 9 to 11 points. Colour reproduction of illustrations is available to authors free of charge. Sources for images must be provided separately e.g. as a .zip archive. Articles where standalone images are not provided, will not be accepted for further stages of the publication process.
Proofs: Authors will receive galley proofs for corrections, which should be returned as soon as possible. All joint communications must indicate the name and address of the authors to whom proofs should be sent.
How to submit: Articles for consideration by the journal can now be submitted electronically without the need to send a hard copy.
The preparation of the texts in any common dialect of TeX is strongly recommended. However, the MSWord documents also will be accepted.
For submissions made as LateX projects, please use the our custom LateX template for submissions to the TASK Quarterly journal. The entire template directory can be downloaded with Download All Files button, located in the upper-right portion of the linked page.
This template contains a general framework for:
- organizing the article content into properly labeled sections
- inserting figures and embedding equations
- including appendices
- formatting and proper inclusion of references
For submissions made in form Microsoft Word documents, please use the following guidelines:
- use a one column text with font size of 12 pt and one-and-a-half spacing
- as mentioned previously, use the IEEE style for references
- numbering for Figures, Equations and Tables is to be made in a continuous manner i.e. in the order in which they appear in the manuscript, not at the sections/subsections level
For a general overview of a TASK Quarterly article styling, You can always refer to the example shown here: TASK Quarterly Article Example
We encourage authors to recommend individuals with whom TASK Quarterly could cooperate as Reviewers for future publications.
The Journal's editorial team would be extremely grateful for the opportunity to networ with other researchers and expand the database of potential reviewers to further streamline the publishing process.
Proposals can be submitted in the Reviewer Preferences field of the submission form , during the third step of submitting the article (called: 3. Enter Metadata)
IMPORTANT: Recommended reviewers will not be considered during the review of submitted article.