Following article concerns a topic of quality improvement realized by a concept of continuous improvement – Kaizen. The main goal of the article is to analyze of practical usage of Kaizen, in terms of elimination all waste and continuous improvement. The article is divided into two parts: theoretical and cognitive ones. In the first part of it, the authors described lean philosophy and continuous improvement concept (Kaizen), which are signs to overall company improvement. The cognitive part of the article concerns presentation of practical usage of Kaizen concept rules in chosen automotive sector company. This is a worldwide company with its
subsidiary in Poland in Bielsko-Biała. Its main specialization are casts. The company specializes in casting of high complex aluminum components such as: cylinder heads, engine blocks, transmission parts and structural components. The authors used case study method and formulated following research problems: features of Kaizen team, basic rules of Kaizen team, plan of Kaizen action and tools used during Kaizen action. Kaizen actions in analyzed company are realized during so-called “Kaizen week”. There is a team built from the company’s employees. As their effect (Kaizen actions) exact solutions of quality problems are formulated. The company leads also so-called “after Kaizen” actions, which are used in a case of problems which require longer time for their elimination. According to the Kaizen philosophy all activities realized in the company in quality area have continuous character.
Kaizen, quality improvement, 5SDetails
- Issue
- Vol. 1 No. 16 (2016)
- Section
- Research article
- Published
- 2016-03-31
- DOI:
- https://doi.org/10.19253/reme.2016.01.008
- Licencja:
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